
I’m Brooke. I’m glad you made it to the site! Since you found your way here, you probably already know I’m obsessed with snowboarding. Truthfully, I like all boarding - longboards, paddle boards, you name it. Born in southern California, I now live in northern Michigan, where we spend summers on the water and winters in the snow. Clearly that hasn’t been enough for me, because I travel to the mountains several times a year chasing even more adventures.

I grew up a skier, but it wasn’t until I started snowboarding in my 20’s that I really fell in love with the snow. In a lot of ways, it feels like snowboarding has helped me find and love myself. But we won’t get that deep here. We’re just here to celebrate women in the boarding community and have a damn good time!

I’ve found a lot of inspiration to push myself to be a better boarder through other female snowboarders like Anna Gasser and Spencer O’Brien. I started watching documentaries on women in the male-dominated snowboarding world, and I was like yeah, these ladies freaking shred. As girls are landing more difficult tricks, conquering the backcountry, and so much more, we’re stepping away from the days of “she’s good, for a girl”. Terms like “slut strands” were originally meant to imply that women in snow sports are inferior to the dudes, but we’ve reclaimed it and wear our strands proudly. We want everyone to know girls shred just as hard as the boys.

And that’s how the Slooty Strands Club was born, a community to celebrate rad women on the mountain. Whether you’ve got your winged eyeliner, just here for the selfies, hitting the terrain park, or even eating sh!t, you belong out here. We’re here for a good time, not a long time, so let’s enjoy this party together all winter long!